I book a speaker for The Principal, I always
hope they will either inspire, educate, or
motivate our employees. You did all three.
You gave us valuable insights and practical
tools." |
The Principal Financial Group |
and inspirational...The most innovative and
creative techniques..." |
-IBM |
methods you used opened our eyes and gave
us tools to make transitions in our sales
force workable. Communication has improved
100%" |
& Johnson |
ability to motivate and energize is well known
and your presentation on topics related to
the changing workforce and work environments
set a very upbeat tone for the conference...generated
some of the strongest evaluations for any
conference speaker..." |
-National Association of Job
Search Training (NAJST) |
have captured the essential spirit of career
development." |
of Texas Career Center |
you for your wonderful presentation. As a
result of the energy generated that evening,
we have seven 'Alumni Success Teams' and the
students are putting together twenty undergraduate
teams." |
College |
and the insights will bear dividends for years...many
useful techniques which will increase our
effectiveness..." |
Department of the Treasury |
speaker!" |
in Communications, Inc. |
still using your excellent techniques."
Inc., Wash. D.C. |
presentation to Seagate Associates was outstanding.
...It was especially valuable to learn the
underlying causes of resistance and how to
get people 'unstuck' [which is] so important
in outplacement." |
Communications |
groups of strangers into working Success Teams
within hours..." |
in Business, Boston MA |
had us all excited and ready to set the world
on fire. You informed us, you motivated us,
you entertained us, and we loved you!"
and Marketing Executives International |
the best one-day seminar we ever attended."
Strategies of Springfield IL |
left the conference feeling great about the
possibilities in her life and the energy to
do something about them. What a tremendous
ability you have to give people that sense
of empowerment." |
-National Network of Graduate
Business School Women |